Dry Brushing: Does It Really Work?

by - 11:57 PM

For some time now, I had a lot of curiosity about this technique and what it claimed to do. I figured it was only for skin exfoliation but little did I know that dry brushing can be even beneficial to your health.

For the past months, I've been noticing a bit of dryness on the skin to the point I would use so much lotion, I thought maybe I wasn't using one that was very emollient. I started to read up about dry brushing and decided to purchase this one from Amazon since I had no luck finding the right one in town for this task.

I started to do this a few times a week prior shower for about 5 minutes each time. So what you want to do is go by sections in circular motion applying some pressure. At first I was concerned if it was going to be harsh but other than a minor redness, it dissipates right away.

What is Dry Brushing?

Dry brushing was practiced as part of the ancient medicine system Ayurveda in India. Known as Garshana, which translates from Sanskrit as “to rub,” this practice involves using a bristle brush or gloves over the entire body in order to help stimulate lymph flow, improve detox, exfoliate, and increase circulation.

What are the Benefits of Dry Brushing? 

  1. Helps detox our skin from toxins
  2. Improve appearance of cellulite
  3. Reduce stress
  4. Stimulate lymphatic system
  5. Exfoliate skin
  6. Improve circulation

After a month of use I can see such an amazing difference, I compliment the brushing after bathing with a dry oil by Doctor Spa with olive oil and coconut which has improved the look and feel of my skin. It's softer, more radiant and I almost feel like the skin around my stomach looks more toned lately.

I also love doing this weekly because it sorta relaxes me, like more blood flow throughout the body. I can't rave enough about this.

Have you tried Dry Brushing? Leave a comment down below with your experience or favorite brush to use. 


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