Denim Al Cuadrado

by - 8:06 PM

El clima ha estado en contra de mi estos dias. Ha llovido hasta más no poder aquí en la ciudad de Puerto Plata pero hoy me pude escapar hacer algunas diligencias y de paso me tomé unas cuantas fotos para capturar el atuendo de hoy. Creo que nunca habia hecho el "denim on denim" ya que todas las camisas chambray que tengo nunca le combinaban totalmente a los pantalones que me quería poner. El caso es que Justfab sacó a la venta esta blusa chambray que le quedó perfecta a estos shorts que me encontré en Zara. Lo que me gusta de esta camisa es que no es como otra que tengo que es más gruesa lo que me permite usarla en layers o usarla atada encima de vestidos, faldas, etc.

It has been raining non-stop in Puerto Plata city but today I was able to escape to run some errands and I took advantage to capture a few shots of today's look. I don't think I have ever done a "denim on denim" look because I felt that all of the tops I have didn't match the shade of blue of the bottoms I wanted to wear. Luckily, Justfab released this new chambray top that goes perfect with these shorts from Zara. What I like the most about the top is that it's not as thick and it lets me wear it in layers or tie it up to dresses, skirts, and more.

Blusa en jean: Justfab Easy Chambray | Shorts: Zara | Tennis: Justfab Petunia | Bolso: Justfab Martin

¡No olviden seguirme en las siguientes redes sociales! Que pasen un feliz lunes.

Interact with me in the following social medias! Happy Monday!


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  1. Love the denim on denim look. I love how you accessorized the outfit.

    Hope you are having a lovely time in your country. The scenery of the pictures looks so beautiful.

    1. Thank you my dear! Yes It's going great but it's freaking hot right now lol. Some days you just gotta stay put!

  2. Thank you =) it's a great bag for summer!

  3. You look great you! I love this look and I may need to shoes! Hope you come to Arizona soon so we can hang out this time.

  4. =) Thank you! I will tell you as soon as I get there!
