Black Swan

by - 8:16 PM

When I think of Christmas, I think about endless possibilities when it comes to dressing up. Holidays give you the possibility to try something new, something sparkly, something you don't dare to wear. This is the time to take a chance with your wardrobe.

Outfit Details:
Crop Top/ Skirt/Jacket/Necklace: Forever 21
Clutch: Love Culture

Merry Christmas everyone and a prosperous new year! I hope you get everything you asked Santa! ^___^

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  1. what a showstopping outfit! i like the hint of sparkle and the asymmetrical style of your dress. i discovered you on chictopia today and thought I'd say hi :)

    It would make me happy if you visited too!
    pandaphilia fashion

  2. aw thanks dear =) you are a sweetheart! Of course Ill visit you asap! =) and thanks again for stopping by!

  3. Love this Kat! How'd you superimpose your image like that? Great job!

  4. MsChanda thanks! I used Photoshop, it involves certain steps, i first opened the background picture and enlarged the canvas using the crop tool, i duplicated the picture. Then I opened the middle picture and proceeded to remove the background using the pen tool and then a refined the edge using feathering and masked it out. The I color corrected the picture so they all look uniform and then I flattened the layers together. Its not advanced photoshop but you have to have certain knowledge about masking out pictures in order to get it to work.

  5. LOVE this outfit! It has to be one of my favorites :)
