
Kendall Jenner Turquoise Skirt

by - 12:05 AM

This week, someone tagged me on a picture on Facebook and it happened to be a picture of Kendall Jenner wearing a really nice outfit that caught my eye, and I decided to do a look for less with a little twist.

*Esta semana, alguien me tagueó en una foto en Facebook, y me dí cuenta de que era Kendall Jenner usando un atuendo que realmente me gustó, entonces decidí hacer un atuendo por menos pero con algunas alteraciones.

It was rainy and cloudy =/ that's why some of the pics will look funky
 I love mini skirts, and I happen to have bought one exactly like the one she was wearing a month ago for a very affordable price at Charlotte Russe. I personally like the outfit without the tights, but since it was cold and raining over here in Nebraska, I decided to wear them. Instead of wearing a plain black blazer, I opted for a faux leather jacket which I think looks more me.

*Amo las mini faldas, y fue coincidente de que yo haya comprado una falda casi exacta a la que ella lleva puesta hace casi un mes, por un precio económico en la tienda Charlotte Russe. En lo personal me gusta el atuendo sin las medias pantis, pero como estaba lloviendo y hacia frio aquí en Nebraska, decidí usarlas. En vez de usar un blazer sencillo de color negro, opté por usar un jacket de cuero, y creo que este muestra mi personalidad un poco más que el ella lleva puesto.

Well, That's it for today! I hope you guys enjoy today's look, and I will be posting a few more of these in the next couple of days since so many people like it =) Have a good night!

*Bueno, eso es todo por hoy! Espero que hayan disfrutado el look por menos de hoy. Estaré publicando más de este tipo ya que a muchas personas les gustan =) Que tengan buena noche!

Get rid off the tights and jacket for those hotter days ;)
 Get the look! Consigue el look!
Earrings/Aretes: Charlotte Russe (in-stores) Similar Here
Scarf/Bufanda: Charlotte Russe
Jacket: Charlotte Russe (old) Similar Here
Tank Top/Blusa: Charlotte Russe
Skirt/Falda: Charlotte Russe (in-stores) It's on sale now! Similar here and here
Tights/Medias Pantis: Charlotte Russe (in-stores) Similar Here
Clutch/Cartera: Shoedazzle Kenai (Sold-out) Similar Here
Shoes/Zapatos: Bakers Rosalind, Similar Here

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  1. I love your rendition so much better! Great Job Kat!

  2. Hi :) I'm your newest follower. I found your via Shoedazzle's fb page. I love your take on this outfit. Great job.

    xo from NYC-Chelise

    1. thank you so much Chelise for following =)

  3. i love your outfit!
    chek out my blogg if you like please follow backk

  4. =) thanks hun! the link you gave me doesnt seem to be working =(, repost it so i can follow you back =)
